21 Master Cleanse Tips

Ever run a lemonade stand when you were young? Then you know the popularity of lemonade. Lemonade is a tasty & refreshing drink. If you were to set up a lemonade shop in any metro area, chances are if you use fresh organic ingredients, you will have a hit all summer. It should come as no surprise that one of the oldest colon-cleanses is fast becoming one of the most popular Not surprising is that one of the most popular cleansing diets is also one of the oldest. It's called "The Lemonade Diet," and is also known as the "Master Cleanse."

What Is The Master Cleanse Diet?

From it inception in the 1940's by nutritionist Stanley Burroughs it has been gaining popularity as a great way to detox your body. Originally conceived to treat ulcers and other digestion problems it was discovered to offer many other benefits in addition to cleansing and detoxifying the body.

We are seeing this diet now because celebrities have stumbled upon the secret and pushed it into the headlines. Due to the explosive growth in populations everywhere we are bombarded with more toxins than ever. Commercial farming, smog, waste seeping into our water and soil combined with the toxin exposure from preservatives, pesticides and household disinfectants compound this problem. Many in today's society are raising the awareness of detoxification.

Obesity is beginning to be a killer around the world. The western diet, when introduced to other cultures, is causing the same effects there as it does in the west. Combine the desire for health and vitality along with the body's need to be detoxified and it is no surprise that the Master Cleanse is becoming a big deal.

What to Expect

Most experience weight loss of about 1 to 2 pounds a day. While the cleanse is only for ten days, the two days preceding it and after it are considered pre-cleanse and post cleanse and are used to adjust your body to the cleanse and then to resume a healthier lifestyle. You may also lose weight on these days too.

Due to poor diet and lack of exercise, coupled with toxin overload from our food and environment, our bodies are not running at full capacity. Meaning that our bodies can not properly deal with these stresses and function and feel its best.. The cleanse removes these from our body and allows us to relieve our organs and glands form the immense stress placed upon them. This usually results in an increased metabolism, and a reduction in weight and health problems.

Other Benefits

The cayenne, lemons, and maple syrup work in combination to import alkalinity to the body, promote cleansing, increase the metabolism, keep the blood sugar stable, impart nutrients such as potassium and minerals, and stimulate circulation.

While it may sound easy to stop eating and just drink a refreshing glass of lemonade every hour or so there are things you need to know before you start to ensure success of your 10 day cleanse. You need to know these so you don't fail.

  1. The drink does not provide any fiber. Avoid constipation by using a natural laxative such as Senna capsules or a herbal tea at least one serving per day.
  2. Reduce the effect of the acid in the lemonade on your teeth by rinsing with pure water after each glass of lemonade.
  3. Make no more than a day's worth of lemonade for maximum freshness.
  4. If you choose to drink it hot, especially refreshing in the morning, then add the ingredients to a hot cup of water.
  5. Take before, during and after photos to encourage you and show your progress.
  6. Start a diary to keep you on track.
  7. Find a partner. Having a friend on the diet at the same time may help both of you stick to it.
  8. Curb hunger and reduce the shakes from blood sugar lows by drinking a glass or two more of the lemonade.
  9. If you can't stand the hunger, you might try a Hoodia supplement.
  10. Freshly squeezed organic lemons are the only way to go. Using a prepackaged lemon juice won't benefit you at all and all those preservatives in them will defeat the purpose of the cleanse.
  11. Clear everything with your doctor before jumping in.
  12. To reduce failure, purge food from your home before the diet and only refill your home with healthy new foods. Change your lifestyle first!
  13. Probiotics and digestive enzymes can help improve intestinal balance in the days after your cleanse.
  14. Prevent temptation. Start during your time off of work and have plans for the entire 14 days. Make sure you are too busy to be tempted by food or going out with your friends.
  15. Be sure to get plenty of rest while on the cleanse and reduce the amount of exercise. Let you body use as much of its energy as possible to work on cleansing.
  16. A feeling of a sticky or coated tongue is not uncommon. Brush it with a plain tooth brush and rinse with some water. This will go away when the cleanse has been successful.
  17. If you cannot stand the heat from the cayenne in your lemonade, try taking a cayenne capsule instead. One capsule with every glass of lemonade. If you can't stand the heat, try a cool max cayenne.
  18. Drink freshly juiced fruits and vegetables for 2 days before and after the cleanse.
  19. Start taking the tea laxative, bentonite clay, fiber laxative, salt water laxative, or senna colon cleanse capsules two days before the cleanse starts.
  20. Stop taking multivitamin supplements while cleansing for best results.
  21. Days 2 and 3 are the hardest for most people. If you make it past these successfully, you last the rest of the cleanse!

The Master Cleanse is definitely not to be taken lightly. It's a serious cleanse which will produce serious results. If you want to succeed and get the most from it you will need to plan for each phase pre, during and post cleanse. By utilizing the 21 above tips, you too can enjoy the benefits of properly executing the cleanse.

While not an easy diet to follow it can be worth every moment of renewed health and vitality. The actual detox part lasts a full ten days, and the preparation days include two days before and two days after. If you follow the master Cleanse properly and follow the tips above, you can successfully come through the Master Cleanse and enjoy renewed energy, vitality, and a reduction in weight and health symptoms.

About the Author

This list is a great start but to get the maximum out of the Master Cleanse you need the Master Cleanse Secrets. In it you will discover everything you want to know about the master cleanse. Get it today. http://mcs.allaboutcoloncleansing.com/

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